Opening hours

Important information
Please note that the number of open food stalls may vary depending on the weather. We reserve the right to adjust opening hours or close food stalls in case of bad weather.
We apologize for any inconvenience.

Special closing days

Saturday 20 July - closed from 15:00

Lugen: Café & Bar

Sunday - Thursday 12-20
Friday - Saturday 12-22
Special opening hours may apply
in connection with events.

Food stalls

Sunday - Thursday 12-20
Friday - Saturday 12-20
The number of open food stalls may vary depending on the weather.

Perron Bakery

Tuesday - Friday 8.30-16
Saturday - Sunday 9-16
Monday closed
Book here .

Summer restaurant

Thursday - Saturday 17.30-23
Sunday - Wednesday closed
Book here .

Late Mornings brunch

Saturday - Sunday 10-13.45
Book here.

Platform brunch

Saturday - Sunday 10-14
Book here.


Friday - Sunday 11-17

The courtyard

Free access during other opening hours.